Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Night Sky Photography -- 01-22-2019 -- Venus & Jupiter Conjunction

Greetings and Salutations, Y'all!

Early this morning, I woke up about an hour before sunrise and looked out my bedroom window to see this pair of beautiful wanders meeting in conjunction in the cloudless predawn sky. 

Venus and Jupiter both rank as the third-brightest and fourth-brightest celestial bodies in the night sky, after the sun and Luna, so missing them is rather hard. At conjunction, these two brilliant worlds appear 2.5 degrees apart from each other in the sky's dome. 

Nearby the bright star Antares can also still be seen, along with a few other bright stars in the predawn purple-black sky.

Venus and Jupiter are not actually close together in space. They just happen to reside along the same line of sight at conjunction. The king planet Jupiter is about 7 1/2 times Venus’ distance from Earth. 

This wonderful planetary display comes just two days following the beautiful lunar eclipse on the night of January 27-28th. 

I hope y'all enjoyed my photo. Hope to have more soon, until then keep looking to the night skies, y'all! 

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