Sunday, September 02, 2018

Night Sky Photography -- 09-02-2018 -- Jupiter & Moons, Mars & Venus

Good evening to all my fellow stargazers!

This evening about one hour after sunset at dusk two beautiful wanderers and two bright stars appeared out of the western sky. Venus and Spica, the brightest star in the Constellation Virgo closer to the western horizon, with Jupiter and Zubenelgenubi, the main star of the constellation Libra, following them higher in the western sky.  

Jupiter and Venus appeared first. I took a good closeup of Jupiter and once again captured three of the four Jovian Moons: Io, Ganymede and Europa. Soon the two bright stars appeared and I captured these images of Jupiter and Venus with their new evening companions.

One final shot I took was a beautiful shot of Mars rising in the eastern sky. Because its orbit is still closer to Earth for the next couple of months, Mars still appears larger in the sky and continues to shine brightly as the summer winds down towards autumn.

I hope y'all enjoyed these photos. Have a wonderful evening and keep looking to the night skies, y'all!