Tuesday, February 28, 2023

The Return Of My Sexy Anime Cosplayer Girl -- A Tale Of My Existence

Greetings and Salutations, Y'all.

Several years ago I wrote an article on this blog titled How I Got An Anime-Con Quickie (Or, How Kilts Can Apparently Be Chick Magnets): A Tale Of My Existence (03-10-2018) where I told the true story of a rather interesting and unique moment for your favorite blogger.

As the title suggested it was about how I was approached by a younger woman at an anime con (a Sailor Moon cosplayer no less!) curious about my Ulster Red Tartan kilt and how it ended with that same young woman inviting me up to her hotel room for an all-too brief sexual encounter that I later on had mixed feelings about.

Almost two months after the encounter I wrote about the experience here on this blog; not to brag, but to try and explain and put into perspective my own personal feelings about the whole, somewhat surreal experience.

I didn't give out names (and wouldn't have even though I didn't actually find out at the time what her real name actually was) and I didn't go into graphic detail about what we did together (nor would I have ever done so!); but I wrote how the experience was memorable and, I confess, a bit of a let down. Not because she was terrible in bed (she wasn't) but because it was just began and ended so suddenly.

Oh I've had a few one-night-stands over the years, as well as brief sexual encounters with people I've known for a while, and a few with strangers -- yeah I know, not a good idea -- but in just about all of those occasions they didn't immediately end after the sheets got all sweaty. Also, I've always been the sort of guy who likes to cuddle, talk between sessions, and usually go more than just once. Almost all of my one-night-stands usually stayed the night, shared a shower the next morning, and stayed for breakfast at least.

Also, I'm not being critical and saying that it was the worst sexual experience I'd ever had, or anything. My mysterious cosplayer partner went out of her way to make me feel comfortable the whole time. She was a very sweet person in every possible way; and yes, she was a great sexual partner. My feeling of not entirely being fulfilled by the experience wasn't really her fault. It was just the situation itself and the manner of how quick and fleeting it was that left me feeling like a used piece of tissue.

When I posted the story, I didn't expect it to be one of the top ten all-time highest rated stories on this blog site. In all honesty, I didn't think anyone would actually care about my feelings on the whole experience, particularly when I largely left out the specific and more graphic details of the encounter.

Needless to say, I was very surprised when I got a reply to the article here on this blog almost eight months later from none other than my sexy Sailor Moon cosplayer girl herself.

Identifying herself only by the screen name Princess Serenity (Sailor Moon's adult character in the popular series) she was able to prove her identity by giving a few small details that only the two of us would have known. She then went on to thank me for being discrete when talking about our shared experience while confessing some mixed feelings about our all-too-brief encounter at the con.

She then surprised me more by sending me a personal e-mail link to get in contact with her.

Well my friends, needless to say I was pleasantly surprised and pleased to hear from her; and later I took her up on her offer to get in touch with her.

Since that time, through somewhat infrequent e-mail and online chats over the last couple years, I've gotten to know my mysterious anime hero cosplayer girl far better personally than I did in that one short but very sweet hour we shared in that hotel room. I've learned both what an amazing and talented woman she is, and what a beautiful soul she has in way of her personality.

I can't reveal too much about Princess Serenity, because I swore to keep her actual identity a secret. All I'm at liberty to say is that, in real life, she's a professional cosplayer in her early 30s. Given that there's literally tens of thousands of those in the United States and Canada alone, I don't believe that's giving away too much there.

Also y'all might not remember this, but Princess Serenity does have the distinction of being the first special guest blogger here at Southern Fried Common Sense & Stuff when I posted her One Night Stand 35 Question Quiz (05-10-2020), with her permission, of course.

This leads me to the real topic of this particular blog post.

I have a request by Princess Serenity to post her own personal account of the events in the original story of our shared encounter. She wanted to share her own account of the story of why she was so attracted to yours truly and my kilt, as well as what led to her taking me up to her hotel room.

Now, because I've gotten to know the amazing woman behind the blonde, meatball-head wig and Sailor Moon costume, I already know her thoughts on the subject and concur that it would make a good sequel to the original story.

So, I'll leave it to my readers; would y'all like to hear this follow up of one of your favorite stories on this blog from another point of view? I'm pretty sure I know the answer, but I'd love to hear your thoughts.

If y'all agree, I'll let Princess Serenity know and hopefully get her to write her account and have it published here sometime in the next month or so. Please let me know in the comments section below.

I hope y'all enjoyed my post and as always have a wonderful Dixie day, and y'all come back now, ya hear!


Anonymous said...

Yes, it would be interesting to hear her account.

Zenboy96 said...

I would love to hear her version of the events. I think it would be a great follow up.
Also, I have to know, is that here in the photo?