Tuesday, February 28, 2023

Night Sky Photography -- 02-27-2023 -- 1st Quarter Moon & Mars With Constellations Taurus and Orion

Good evening fellow stargazers!

After a couple of days with cloudy, dreary skies, this evening a surprisingly warm breeze for late February arrived and cleared the evening sky dome enough for your favorite blogger to capture a couple of beautiful images of the First Quarter Moon with the planet Mars a few hours after sunset.

Though the small red planet is dimming in brightness as it moves farther away in its orbit around the Sun with our Earth, Mars is still easily visible at night inside the Constellation Taurus The Bull.

Oh and speaking of Taurus and its famous hunter, the Constellation Orion The Hunter, thanks to the evening breeze and clear skies, I captured a couple of outstanding shots of all the major stars of both constellations. I labeled all of them and highlighted the constellations themselves in the next shots.

Once again my thanks to God for the beautiful clear skies and the heavenly display of the closest bright stars in our galaxy. I pray for clear skies again this Wednesday, March 1st when Jupiter and Venus will merge in conjunction in the western skies.

I hope to be able to post some beautiful shots of that meeting, but if I can't y'all can check it out for yourselves that evening just after sunset. Spotting the two "wandering stars" should not be hard.

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