Richard Spencer, the racial conspiracy theory spouting jackass who led white nationalists and white supremacists in a torchlight march across the University of Virginia campus that touched off a weekend of deadly clashes between his group of mind-numbed robots and that other group of assorted human trashed called antifa, returned Saturday night (Oct. 7th) under the cover of darkness to Charlottesville, Virginia with around 40 of his cronies.
The group carried their tiki torches and then gathered at the base of the currently black tarp-covered Lee statue in a planned flash mob and began spouting off their garbage slogans like: (as always my rebuttal is in Confederate Red)
"Jews will not divide us!"
For all of your tin-foil hat theories about worldwide Jewish conspiracies I have never found myself or anyone else oppressed by the nation of Israel, a country that literally fights for its very existence constantly. Also my Lord and Savior was a Jewish carpenter too dudes, and if y'all actually gave more than lip service to Christian faith, y'all would get that.
“You will not erase us.”
No comment here.
“We are about our heritage. Not just us Virginians. Not just as Southerners. But as white people . . . we’ll take a stand."
You are aware that Western culture and heritage -- which Southern heritage as a whole includes -- also includes the efforts of people of color too, right?
“You’ll have to get used to us."
Uh, no I don't. After I provide my overall opinion, I plan to dismiss your dumbasses and move on with my life.
“We’re going to come back again and again and again.”
Like a bad case of the clap no doubt.
“The South will rise again. Russia is our friend. The South will rise again. Woo-hoo! Wooo.”
Okay, now you guys are just trolling.
The Alt-Right Neo-fascist bigots promised to keep returning to Charlottesville, which they argued
had become symbolic of their right to speak and also had come to
symbolize the tearing down of symbols of the nation’s history.
Then chickenshit cowards stayed all of 15 minutes then departed again under the cover of darkness. They also managed to attract around an equal number of regressive Leftist activists from the nearby University of Virginia, whom as usual provided nothing useful to a situation that was already ugly.
There are photos of this event, but this blogger will not provide them on this site out of principle. I have already provided Mr. Sphincter -- I mean Spencer -- and his ilk enough undeserved attention.
Now time for the Man Deniers Fear The Most to offer a well-needed and deserved rebuttal to this Confederate heritage violation, and yes folks, this is a heritage violation. A naked attempt by white nationalism to co-opt the battle against those who seek to destroy the visible symbols of Southern-Confederate cultural heritage and identity to further their own twisted gains.
People like Mr. Sphincter -- hey, since I re-read it, I think that works better -- believe that Anglo-Celtic and Nordic-Aryan people (white people for the layman) are going extinct through a rather bizarre conspiracy theory called "white genocide" with the wildest claim being that white Americans will be racially extinct by the year 2050, or so.
Now how they actually define "white people" also appears to vary. Some of them see only skin color as a factor, others point to racial genetics. The fact that there are very few genetically "pure" people in the world as a whole relatively and that all Western and Northern European peoples are themselves ultimately descended from people of color in the distance past is completely lost on these Nazi fetish-loving twits.
Granted the dismantling and bastardization of Western cultural values in America is a disturbing problem, but not one that will be corrected through the further segregation and division of the American people; something that both white nationalists and regressive Leftists share responsibility for -- particularly the Left, make no mistake there.
These Alt-Right white nationalists promote their own form of cultural fascism to America no different from those promoted by third wave regressive Alt-Left Leftists in principle, even if the goals of both extremes differ fundamentally in ideology. The extremes of both groups promote offensive violence to advance their sordid agendas, using roughly the same justification of self-defense and preservation. The end results of which can be seen from Berkley to Charlottesville. And make no mistake my friends, it will only get worse.
Now, the white nationalists are using the Left's intensified war against Southern-Confederate heritage as the new springboard for the advancement of their disgustingly divisive rhetoric.
Well, that isn't entirely new. They have been doing that since the beginning of the fight against Cultural Marxism, attempting to latch onto the defense of Confederate symbols and make in-roads with honorable Confederate heritage defenders.
Groups like the League of the South, which seemingly started out as another heritage defense and preservation group -- though one that promoted cultural segregation and separation through Southern Nationalism, which this blogger has often spoken out against in the past -- has now openly shown it's true colors in the last few years.
Many good and honorable people who only desired to defend symbols like the Dixie Cross banner and the monuments to our Confederate dead, and to promote the positive aspects of our shared Southern heritage, were fooled by the League with their unique brand of Southern identity politics. Some of them people I know and have worked hard over the years to bring away from the sphere of that organization. Thankfully most of them did once the group openly supported white nationalists and their ideals.
Take it from me, when one has been labeled a "racist" for no better reason that gathering to remember dead soldiers and put flags on graves for nearly two decades, any silver-tongued group that promotes strong cultural pride in their policies can be very tempting. As tempting as the fruit from the Tree, but ultimately just as damning.
In truth, white nationalists do not like true Confederate heritage defenders, or Southern-Confederate heritage in its proper modern form any better than Alt-Left Regressives do. In fact, they despise it and Southern people who honor it all the more.
They regard white Southerners who defend it as "race traitors" (or as they prefer in recent years: "Rainbow Confederates") and our fellow Southerners of color in terms so ugly this blogger will not repeat them. Strangely enough, many on the Alt-Left including certain "historians" and bloggers likewise use the term Rainbow Confederate -- an invented Tumblr term credited to an internet YouTube shit poster named Hunter Wallace (not his real name) -- but then again maybe not so strangely?
Already the white nationalists are planning more of their
rallies in Virginia and Tennessee later this month, with groups like
Antifa and other Alt-Leftists vowing to oppose -- at least officially.
These Alt-Right white nationalists seek to ultimately co-opt the symbols of Confederate heritage and their meaning, while the Alt-Left regressives and cultural marxists seek to remove them from public viewing and marginalize those who continue to honor them in their proper context while seeking to also change their meaning to promote their own ideology. The meanings that both groups would label those symbols is the same: racism, segregation, murder, treason, hate, denigration, ect.
No, I am not advancing my own conspiracy theory here folks, I promise. I merely point out the similarities between these two groups of extremes when it comes to how they define symbols of Confederate heritage and those who honorably defend it. Two side of the same worthless wooden nickel. One side wishes to claim Confederate symbols, the other wishes to label them racism and remove them. The idea that both groups are playing off each other to further their various goals in direct collusion is simply speculation -- though one does not have to have an overactive, autism-driven imagination like I have to see that their collective efforts inevitably lead down the same twisted path when it comes to this issue.
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They actually share much more in common, but that's another rant altogether. |
Where does that leave those of us in the middle between these two extremes? Fighting a war on two fronts, that's where. But that's been the case since the 80s when we courageously took up this fight to defend our Southern-Confederate historical heritage from the scourge of politically correct fascism, and reclaim it from those who promoted racism and bigotry in the name of the Southern people.
We certainly are not going anywhere, nor can we. The moment we boldly declared the words: Heritage Not Hatred, we declared war on these extremes and their goal of wrongly claiming those symbols of our shared Southern heritage and true identity for their own ends.
For over two decades a generation of Southern children of all ethnic and religious creeds have been taught and raised by many on the creed of Heritage Not Hatred and today most of them are teaching their children the same. Southerners of color -- and yes certainly white Southern children -- have been taught not to fear flags and monuments, nor to allow them to be used by others to promote that fear. To give in to those extremes now would condemn those children to regressive ignorance, and wrongly teach them to fear the sight of symbols that need never frighten them.
That thought alone would keep this blogger fighting, even more so than watching the flags pulled from the graves, the monuments torn down and hidden away, and the gravestones crumbling into dust, the name forgotten and condemned.
Confederate heritage is a part of Southern and American identity. It belongs to all Southern people, not just people who burn easier in the summer sun, or to people who claim Christian values. This is truth and it will keep us moving forward, even as the Alt-Right and Alt-Left continue to regress into historical irrelevance.
God Bless Y'all everyone.
Makes you wonder if those black folks would still like to hold the flag and smile with those folks if they knew what they have said in the past...
Wow isn't that a vague reply that seems to have nothing to do with the overall content of the post. Who exactly is "they" dude? You mean what the guys in the photo said about the people with them, to my knowledge they have said nothing about them at all.
Unlike you I actually KNOW those people -- not online, but met them in person and spoken to them, gotten to know them as free-thinking individuals -- and I dare say I have a far better handle on who they are personally than you do Corey.
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