Thursday, October 18, 2018

Night Sky Photography -- 10-18-2018 -- Luna, Mars, Jupiter -- And The Spider!

Good evening, y'all!

This evening I took some really outstanding evening photos utilizing a nearby baseball field for a background. 

The first one is taken from one of the dugouts of Jupiter. As beautiful as that shot came out, you will notice that a small, 8-legged photo-bomber appears just above the fence. This beautiful spider made herself a nice web that I couldn't help get a shot of. 

The bright star near Luna tonight is actually the planet Mars. The bright star Fomalhaut sits low on the sky. Although Fomalhaut ranks as 1st-magnitude star, this star currently pales in comparison to Mars, which is still bright after its wonderful apparition in our sky this past July and August. Mars is presently about six times brighter than Fomalhaut. The star Fomalhaut is an autumn star for the Northern Hemisphere (spring star for the Southern Hemisphere). From northerly latitudes, it’s sometimes called the Loneliest Star.

I also took a good close-up of the Lunar surface and got some really great shots of the craters along the day-night terminator of the Earth's shadow.  

I hope y'all enjoyed my photos for this evening. As always have good evening and y'all keeping looking to the night skies.

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