By this point everyone who hasn't lived under a rock, or playing Xbox online constantly for the last week, is aware of the terrible tragedy that took place on Saturday, August 12th in Charlottesville, Virginia where one person lost their lives and over 30 others were wounded. This tragedy was ultimately promoted collectively by the regressive, anti-Confederate heritage actions of the current mayor of Charlottesville Wes Bellamy, white nationalist reactionaries led by former Occupy Movement activist -- now white nationalist shitlord -- Jason Kessler, and a bunch of George Soros paid anarchists/entitled middle class (mostly white) kids who call themselves Antifa or "anti-fascist" (sic).
Most are also aware of the mass outpouring of irrational, hate-fueled acts of vandalism, cultural marxism, and ISIS-like acts of terror perpetrated by these privileged regressives and reactionary politicians; acts which seem to be just as much an expression of the continued irrational rage prompted by last year's election of our current US President directed at symbols of Confederate heritage as they are the continued attempts on the part of anti-Confederate heritage regressives to label and condemn the citizen soldiers who defended Dixie's independence as "domestic terrorists" and "traitors"(sic).
Now more regressive trolls are coming out from under the bridge and demanding to go further with the continued damnato memoriae of the Confederate soldier, his leaders, and that aspect of our shared and living Southern heritage. These trolls take the form of the domestic terror group called Black Lives Matter (BLM).
Before I go into my little rant here, I would like to make something clear. I do not label every individual who supports the group as a domestic terrorist. Many who take part in BLM protests do so because they believe that there are genuine grievances about the role of America's police and minority communities. Some of those grievances are genuine concerns and this blogger feels that such concerns need to be rationally addressed in honest dialogue in public forums. Nor does this blogger feel that black lives do not matter....DUH! Every life has worth, even the lives of people you do not agree with. Neither does this blogger equate BLM with every African-American who lives in urban America -- far from it! Many Black Americans do not even support BLM.
Now having said that, allow me to explain why I label the group BLM itself as a domestic terrorist group. Any group that feels that acts of violence in America's streets -- even as "expressions of rage" -- that results in the destruction of private property, the hazing and beating of US citizens, and the wrongful deaths and outright murder of police officers and other individuals, and fails to call out the individuals from their group who commits these acts; those groups lose the right to any moral standing whatsoever, no matter how noble their original intent.
This is sad because actual acts of police brutality committed against American citizens, regardless of their ethnic backgrounds, or social standing, should be confronted and protested against; but always in tempered and measured ways that make the very citizens such protesters claim they are trying to protect feel at ease. Making ordinary people feel that they will be in the line of thrown debris and that their businesses, private property, or family will face possible violence are not the ways to effect positive change. History shows this to always be true. Anarchy builds nothing.
However, no group of people who chant generalized slogans like: "What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want them? NOW!" can be viewed rationally as anything but a group of domestic terrorists. Until the leadership of BLM denounces such tactics and takes the high moral road in their stated goals, this blogger's personal designation of them stands.
Now then moving on, BLM demanded this week that all vestiges of Confederate historical and cultural heritage be banned. This includes not only monument removal, but the display of the Southern (Dixie) Cross banner, any Confederate national flag, the closing of all battle fields of the War Between The States, the end to all reenactments of the war, and the banning of all Confederate heritage groups and Civil War roundtables.
Their rationale (and I use that term with no small measure of irony) is based on their regressive, intolerant, and -- dare I repeat this?-- pro-white supremacist view of Confederate heritage. A regressive and wrong-thinking view that all symbols of Confederate heritage can be "rationally" equated with Nazism -- not exactly a new perspective championed by the regressive Left, but new and original thinking is seemingly not a part of their ideological makeup.
BLM argues that modern-day Germany, a democratic republic, constitutionally bans all displays of Nazi symbols and slogans. Because of this the United States of America should do the same for those "traitorous" Confederates.
But not so fast! Certain key points should be made regarding both Germany's constitutional ban of Nazi symbols and the US Constitution. Points that defeat the arguments of BLM -- and by extension any regressive Leftist argument against the public display of Confederate symbols.
In regards to Germany's constitution and democracy, it should be remembered that prior to 1946, Germany was not a democratic society, nor a constitutional republic, as America was since 1787. Germany itself did not even become some resemblance of the nation it is today until around 1870 when the German States were formed into a empire (or reich) and remained so until the end of the First World War. A weak democratic government was formed, but unrest in the struggling nation kept that government from being effective, allowing for the National Socialist Workers Party (Nazis) to rise to power and a tyrant like Adolf Hitler to be named dictator. History shows how that ended.
The fact it ended in no small part to the efforts of the US military, including the proud grandsons of Confederate Veterans, should be noted.
When the democratic government of West Germany was founded in the aftermath of World War 2, a constitution was made that banned Nazi imagery. The current German constitution formed after the reunification of Germany in 1991, also includes this....with a notable exception.
Hindu and Buddhist temples in Germany used by the country's growing Indian population often display the original form of the swastika in their architecture.
Prior to the display of the inverted form of the swastika by the Nazi Party -- and continued display of the same by regressive devotees of Nazi idealism -- the original swastika was seen as a positive symbol in many cultures, and still is in most non-Western countries today. The German constitution reflects and recognizes this with that exception.
The US Constitution and its origins are much different, having been formed by men who studied Greek and Roman democracy and republican ideals, taking from the best of them. They also recognized the worth of individualism over collectivism, that all people have inalienable rights granted by God rather than government -- including freedom of speech. The 1st Amendment in the Constitutional Bill of Rights clearly states that freedom of speech and expression cannot be infringed upon -- this also included opposition speech to popular opinions. These are not only a right the government is sworn to protect, but it is a sacred right granted not by government, but by God Himself.
Taking these facts into account, the BLM's demand to ban all symbols of Confederate heritage and their obtuse justifications for such demands, simply run into a very hard brick wall called individual freedom. This is a fact the US Supreme Court will uphold, as will the ACLU -- a group certainly not known as a Right-leaning one -- and by groups of citizens (many of them honorable Confederate descendants) of all races in America that will not sacrifice personal individuality for collectivist mentalities.
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On a final note, this blogger would like to remind all those reading this post that, for all of their talk about protecting certain black lives, and their stated slogan that "Black Lives Matter", BLM does not represent all African-Americans, or their regressive views of the Southland's living heritage, including Confederate heritage. One group of people in Dallas, Texas, made up of both black and white Americans, have sworn to defend the display of the Confederate monuments and banners there. They are far from the only ones who share the view that flags and monuments to dead soldiers are not the problem.
The problem comes when anyone representing a group-think mentality demands to impose that view on others and threatens violence in order to achieve those goals. That my friends is the very definition of the true meaning of fascism, no different in spirit than the type of tyranny and oppression our grandparents fought long and hard to defeat in Europe during World War 2.
It is this blogger's hope that we as an American society can look past the flawed collectivist views promoted by BLM, the KKK, Antifa, and white nationalist regressives, and realize that not only do all lives have dignity and worth; but that everyone who conducts themselves reasonably should be treated accordingly, while those who seek to deny our shared heritage and humanity should be looked on with disgust and ignored entirely.
Any group of collectivists, not matter which side of the political spectrum, that denies the worth and dignity of the individual is morally obsolete.
That's just my two cents.
Any group of collectivists, not matter which side of the political spectrum, that denies the worth and dignity of the individual is morally obsolete.
That's just my two cents.
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