Monday, May 18, 2020

Abandon Places & Things

How many of y'all have ever driven down a highway, or a country road, and seen some old, abandoned building that has clearly seen much better days? 

These abandoned buildings come in all forms from old houses and corner stores, to the ruins of old mills and schools. Sometimes even an old car, or several, sitting in the same place for years, if not decades.

Many people just see these abandoned places as creepy eyesores with boarded up windows being slowly consumed by nature little by little in the form of kudzu or wisteria -- if nowhere else claims them, eventually the land will take it back.
Crumbling and broken places that are still stubbornly standing. To most these places are just an ugly blight on the landscape that one just passes with little serious consideration.

However, once upon a time, these places had life. People lived in them, worked in them, raised families in them. All of them have some story, all of them have memories. Some of them might even have ghosts, who knows for certain? When one considers these facts, these roadside eyesores take on a far more interesting dynamic, a kind of haunting beauty in their own right.

In my little corner of South Carolina we have a fair share of these places, and I've taken the time to photograph some of the more interesting ones. One of them holds a special place in my memories as the Junior High (Middle School) I used to attend in my youth, now long abandoned for a newer facility across town. Others are just abandoned buildings that I've driven past for years: abandoned homes and once thriving businesses. All of them have a history, a story to tell.

The following are photos of some of these abandoned places: 


Let me know what you think of my photos in the comments below. As always have a wonderful Dixie day and y'all come back now, ya hear!

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