Monday, October 10, 2016

Night Sky Photography - 10-09-2016 - Luna & Mars

Luna and Mars together in the southern sky after sunset on Sunday night. I managed to get a really outstanding shot through the branches of the trees. 
Luna is just past its first quarter phase. It is now a waxing gibbous moon, which means the moon’s disk is more than 50% illuminated by sunshine, but less than 50% engulfed in the moon’s own shadow.
I hope to get a really good shot of October's Full Moon - Hunter's Moon - this coming Friday evening during the 2016 South Carolina State Fair in Columbia, weather permitting.

1 comment:

Steve Gambone said...

Well the political planets must be aligning too 'cuz y'all gotta check out this YouTube video C.W. It is a MUST see event. (I assume the link won't be a directly clickable one. Consider doing a blog post on it where you put in the live link.)

“God has always gone outside of the established order in choosing leaders in crucial times. God went into a prison to get Joseph. He went to a barren woman to produce Samuel. He went to a sheepfold to find David. Gideon was hiding behind a winepress when God made him a leader. Moses was a stubborn fugitive when God found him.
God always chooses those who people think should not be chosen!” Pastor Dr. Darrell Scott