Saturday, November 14, 2015

Demonstrating The Divide Between Confederate Heritage Preservation And Social Justics Idealism

Allow me to demonstrate the vast difference between Social Justice mindsets (or as I call it: "Just Us" in terms of the mentality of such activists) and those of honorable Confederate heritage advocates. 

The Guardian of the Dead

On one side of the coin we have this young man, a 10-year-old Jesse Carney of Castlewood, Virginia. 

Ten-year-old Jesse Carney had one wish for his birthday.
Instead of having a traditional birthday party, this fourth grader from southwest Virginia decided to spend his birthday helping efforts to help restore the historic Old Presbyterian Cemetery in Waynesboro. Among those buried in the cemetery, Confederate soldiers. 

He noticed on the internet via facebook that the Virginia Volunteers of the Confederacy -- a local preservation group -- were gathering the Sunday before Veteran's Day to honor those who had fallen during the Battle of Waynesboro and he wanted to be there. His parents, Loretta and James wanted to make sure that was the birthday present he wanted.

“I wanted the graves to be nice and I wanted to come,” Jesse said.
The family left their home in Castlewood early in the morning in order to make it up to Waynesboro in time for the event, to honor the soldiers and help clean up the old cemetery.
“We wanted to help honor our heritage and those who had fallen in honor of Veteran’s Day,” said Jesse’s father James, himself a veteran who served in the Louisiana National Guard from 1989 to 1991.

When Jesse and his family arrived that afternoon, they along with more than a dozen volunteers from all over central and southwest Virginia -- many of them, like Carney and his family, descendants of Confederate soldiers -- went to work fixing up the aging cemetery, which holds the remains of 13 Confederate soldiers and one Federal soldier. 

The site served as Waynesboro's cemetery between 1798 and 1898. First Presbyterian Church transferred ownership of the cemetery to Waynesboro in 1935. Most graves lack currently lack headstones. Remaining headstones are broken, misplaced, piled beside oak trees or laying on the ground. Other headstones were broken or painted by vandals. Iron fences surrounding family plots have been bent or torn down.
As the family worked to clean up the site, Jesse said he was happy with his birthday present. “That’s what I wanted to do for them,” he said of the soldiers.

Young Mr. Carney's actions, and those of his family and the other volunteers that day, are typical of the respect and sense of personal honor shown by most who honor Southern-Confederate heritage. Were he a member of the Sons of Confederate Veterans, Mr. Carney would most likely receive recognition as a guardian -- a person who takes the responsibility to clean and watch over the graves of the Southern dead. 

This blogger is also a SCV Guardian and helped to see that graves were properly honored as a youth as well

The Social "Just Us" Pinhead

This is Alexa Rice, an anti-Confederate heritage reactionary, self-proclaimed "unapologetic intersectional feminist" and member of the Black Lives Matter movement from Matthews, North Carolina.  

In short, one very confused individual.

For some liberals, the passion to muzzle any thought, symbol or slogan that does not dovetail with their ideology is so strong, they can’t contain themselves. A fact that this regressive little member of the self-appointed Thought Police demonstrated.
On Veterans Day of this year, Rice decided to "take a stand" against a neighbor by removing a bumper sticker with a Dixie Cross banner from that person's truck and replacing it with a somewhat pretentious, incoherent, and self-righteous note that reads:

The Confederate Flag is inherently RACIST. Under this flag, the South fought to defend slavery. 
This version of the flag was reinstated in the segregation era, again to defend racism. I don't care if it's your "heritage", racism is nothing to be proud of. 
                                                                                                        A WHITE WOMAN 


Screen shot of the factually incorrect note. (Also note the incoherent writing style.)

In an interview with Charlotte news services, Rice explains that she was riding her bike back from work and saw a neighbors truck unfamiliar to her that had a Confederate flag sticker on its window. 

Rice apparently went home angry and plotting a regressive course of action befitting a typical Social "Just Us" Warrior narcissist. She wrote the note pictured above and returned. After making certain that nobody would see her, Rice videoed herself removing the flag sticker from the truck -- an act of vandalism and willful destruction of private property -- then leaving the note. She then turns the camera around to show her face and conform to the world that a white woman did it. A video she later posted on Twitter to the praise of like-minded little twits.

When asked about the other side of the story, the person having the freedom of speech to put up whatever they want on their own property, Rice responded in typical Social "Just Us" Warrior logic:

"That means the government won't put them in jail. It doesn't mean that I won't respond to it. That right is important, but people should want to keep it on, keep the legacy going." 

Translation for those who think using common sense logic: I am pissed off and projecting my own hangups on issue onto other people I disagree with and don't take the time to try and understand! You should listen to me! Me! MEEE!!!

Growing up in Charlotte, Rice says the Confederate flag is always something that she's disagreed with.

"My whole family is Southern -- it's not about Southern heritage or Southern pride. It's dehumanizing black people, enslaving black people, and some people just go waving it around. I think it's important we don't sit with the status quo -- it's not alright. We can't pretend it's going to go away -- it is not going to go away, obviously."

From what I can see of her writing style, Miss Rice is one really mixed-up individual psychologically. Her simplistic, incoherent rant is written in three (count em) three different styles: regular lower-case style for the body of the note, followed by cursive, then a signature and P.S. written in all capital letters. 

Pointing out the obvious factual errors in the note would be far too easy and would embarrass this little moron even more than she's already managed to do on her own. The typical reactionary attitude of a self-hating Southern-born person so willing to reject what she feels is racism based only on a narrow-minded, regressive perspective is sad and sorry enough. 

The fact that her view of that flag alone shows her in complete agreement morally with white supremacists rather than the vast majority of Southern and American people is an irony that would again go right over this delicate snowflake's hollow little head.


The huge difference between young Mr. Carney and Miss Rice is that one is 10 years old with the sense of maturity, humility and honor beyond his years, while the other has the mentality of an immature attention-seeking 10 year old that refuses to accept things can't always be her way. 

I hope that Southerners today compare the two and ask yourselves which of these young people would you rather have representing the future of our culture and heritage?

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