Greetings and Merry Christmas, Y'all!
Well its that time of the year again for the Town of Lowrys Old Fashioned Christmas Parade in Chester County, South Carolina.
This annual event draws as many as 30-50,000 people yearly to the small rural town of Lowrys every year, along with as many as 2,000 parade participants and nearly 200, or more, horse or tractor-drawn floats giving this particular Christmas tradition a unique holiday feel.
Once again, yours truly attended this event as a participant with the Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) float. This year the float was sponsored by three camps from my corner of South Carolina: Brigadier General Micah Jenkins Camp #1569 (York County), States Rights Gist Camp #1451 (Union County), and the Moses Wood Camp #125 (Cherokee County), with your favorite blogger representing the Walker-Gaston Camp #86 (Chester County).
This year we were blessed with perfect weather for the first official day of winter here in South Carolina -- about 50F and maybe a 5 MPH wind in sunny conditions. The parade began at 1 PM EST and lasted about two hours (there was a delay of about ten minutes when one of the tractors failed to start and had to be moved) for the horses, mules, and tractor-drawn carriages and floats to conduct the three-mile loop.
The following are the photos I took during the preparations for the parade, and during the parade itself.
2024 Sons of Confederate Veterans (SCV) float representing four upstate South Carolina camps.
One again my thanks to my fellow SCV members from my little corner of Dixie for their continued participation and allowing your favorite blogger to help out spreading the Christmas cheer (aka tossing candy).
Also I would like to thanks all of the participants in the 2024 Town of Lowrys Old Fashioned Christmas Parade and those tens of thousands who attended, along with all of their lovely animals. As always it was a pleasure to attend and take part in this annual event.
Have a very Merry Christmas season, y'all!