Confessions Of A Born Again Southerner
By C. W. Roden
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Probably the only scenes in the film Gone With The Wind that holds any significant meaning to me in how I personally view my Southern-Confederate historical heritage. |
Recently I read a somewhat strange article written
on with the title: "Confessions
of a recovering Rebel" by one Charles J. Dean.
Let me break the article down for y'all.
The author of the story claims to be a converted Confederate descendant
( a "recovering Rebel" in his words) who started out as a young
Southern boy so proud after three trips to the drive-in to see Gone With The Wind he once visited
relatives in Illinois proudly wearing a gray Confederate kepi and battle dress
uniform coat with fake buttons....folks, I am seriously not kidding with this. It's written plain as day in the article.
Mr. Dean claims to have been that Southern lad of fourteen that the
late great Southern novelist William Faulkner wrote about in the novel Intruder In The Dust in the famous
paragraph about the afternoon of July 3, 1863 just before Pickett's Charge:
every Southern boy fourteen years old, not once but whenever he wants it, there
is the instant when it's still not yet two o'clock on that July afternoon
in1863, the brigades are in position behind the rail fence, the guns are laid
and ready in the woods and the furled flags are already loosened to break out
and Pickett himself with his long oiled ringlets and his hat in one hand
probably and his sword in the other looking up the hill waiting for Longstreet
to give the word and it's all in the balance, it hasn't happened yet, it hasn't
even begun yet, it not only hasn't begun yet but there is still time for it not
to begin against that position and those circumstances...."
Following this, Mr. Dean goes on to include a
strange mix of modern-day politics, including an attack on Alabama Chief
Justice Roy Moore and other Alabama justices for resisting a federal order
striking down the state's gay marriage ban....yeah, I know, you're wondering
what the blue hell that has to do
with Confederate heritage or Civil War history too. I'll do my best to help
everyone along, though I'm afraid the assault on your common sense will
unfortunately continue a moment longer, but please bear with me.
Mr. Dean goes on at length about growing up in
Alabama during the 1950s and 1960s and how resistance to federal authority -
and subsequent loss to said authority - was a part of a "white Southern
mystique" that told young Southerners (by which I presume he referred only to white Southern males) that you
lose the war, but are proud to go down fighting.
Adding to this he spoke of his Confederate
ancestor, who returned home to tell the heroic stories of the war to two
grandmothers: " of whom ate
them up, the other of who managed to find and read books that told a different
story. And, a grandmother who grew up watching the second-class citizenship
afforded to blacks and whose reading of the Bible and her faith told her it was
wrong." This grandmother would be the one who ultimately put a
different idea into the mind of this wayward son of the South: "...doubt that maybe the *stars and
bars, maybe the "Lost Cause" was the wrong cause. Later Jesuits and a
wonderful world history teacher in high school opened me up to the possibly
that old Uncle Dick fought for the wrong side."
(*I must also
presume that here he refers to the Confederate First National flag rather than
the Dixie Cross since "Stars and Bars" was the informal title of the
former -- or maybe not, better not to presume. It does seem to be a common
mistake made by Leftist ideologues, even those who are "recovering Rebels".)
Don't worry folks, I promise I am coming to the end
of this.
Then Mr. Dean goes on to evoke the memories of four
black girls killed in Birmingham and George Wallace standing at the doorway of
the schoolhouse. Then of putting aside "childhood delusions" and
embracing "true heroes" of equality and "right causes"
worth fighting and dying for. And sums up his long and tedious article by
pointing out that those who fought for the South in the war were
"wrong" that day at Gettysburg: "The
Union center did not break. It held. The union was saved for all future
generations of Americans: white and black, men and women, straight and
gay." That people of "good
conscience" as he defines them know this and embrace it.
Let me sum up exactly what Mr. Dean actually wrote
reading between the lines:
I am a
"recovering Rebel" a white Southern boy who grew up in the 50s and
60s learning that my great grandfather was fighting on the "wrong side of
history" that one of my grandmothers taught me to believe a lie. Others
helped me to see that it was better to embrace politically correct
establishment views on culture and racial identity, to find new heroes, to
completely reject one aspect of my Southern identity and condemn it in others
not as "enlightened" as I am. If you don't share, word for word, how
I and others like me view Southern history, then you are not a person of
"good conscience" that you cannot possibly have any sort of
enlightened thought at all, and your opinion means absolutely nothing in my
Such is the typical absolutist mentality of an
Anti-Confederate heritage reactionary and American Leftist: think my way, or you don't deserve a voice.
Well, sorry fignuts, but I do have a voice. This uncensored blog and I am about to use that
voice to give everyone my two cents.
Mr. Dean's journey - provided it was not fully
exaggerated, and I have to admit the whole learning history from Gone With The Wind story does strike me
as a bit contrived, though not entirely out of the question - is largely
typical of the type of Southerner who has chosen to reject one aspect of the
tapestry that is Southern heritage for the greater politically correct good.
Without exception, you will probably find a similar story among others who
share Mr. Dean's ideals. People who deal with absolutist mentalities, with no
middle ground or gray areas in their perception of the world and their history.
Do I know this for experience? Sadly I wish I
My own journey towards finding a balance between living in
the modern world and honoring my Confederate ancestry also began with a movie.
No not Gone
With The Wind. Sorry, but despite the stereotypes I think that folks like
Mr. Dean have come to accept as truth, not everyone who honor the Confederate
dead started out watching that horribly melodramatic - but well produced -
The film that first introduced me to the
Confederate soldier and the War Between the States was actually The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly, which I
watched when I was about nine with my sister and my grandmother.
In the film the first shots of Confederate soldiers
showed ragged, dirty-looking men in tattered gray uniforms who looked like they
just got their butts kicked hard as they marched and limped through town
retreating from the advancing Union forces. It also showed a man with no legs
in the gray uniform, as well as a rather moving hospital scene where men from
both sides lay wounded - many missing arms and legs. Confederate soldiers
mistreated as prisoners of war. There was a battle scene that looked very
violent and the aftermath of Confederate earthworks filled with dead where
Clint Eastwood's character gave a dying young rebel a smoke before he passed
away from wounds. Nothing glorious. Just death, pain and destruction.
Of course, my grandmother told me and my sister
then about the War and about the North and South fighting. She did not offer
all the little details, but I presumed at the time it was something like a feud
between two sections of the country, rather than some war of ideals. The fact
that the South lost the war did not really bother me too much then, and I more
or less felt then that they fought and did their best, much like a sports
event. At least that's how my nine-year-old self thought of it, having no real
concept of war and its terrible costs. I means sure when I was nine I used
sticks as make believe muskets and took shots at imaginary Yankees in the
bushes; although the images of prison
camps, hospitals full of wounded and body-littered battlefields did stay with
me a long time, and influenced much of my research into the history of the war.
So I did not come into my understanding of the War
Between The States based on any rose-colored Lost Cause nostalgia about "moonlight and
magnolias" and "happy slaves toiling in the fields" or any of
the bullshit that the Opposition tends to suggest. Oh I have met people who have had such thoughts, though only a handful,
and most of them were from an older generation, rather than my own.
My generation -- the one that came after the
turmoil of the 60s had passed -- was introduced to Confederate symbols like the
Dixie Cross battle flag as purely regional Southern symbols in a modern context
and were never exposed to all the racially charged baggage except as an
abstract thing that happened in the past with little bearing on the modern day.
As far as the Confederate soldier and the Confederate cause went, my generation
was raised primarily on the view that even though the Southerners lost, the war
itself made the country stronger and what it is today, and there was no reason
to think harshly, or judge the dead of either side.
This probably more than anything explains why I -
and other Southerners of my generation - have a hard time really relating to
the sort of Lost Cause-type view a man like Mr. Dean claims motivated his own
childhood; or anyone else who wrongly perceives that those who honor Confederate
soldiers and their symbols are throwbacks who must dream of a time where white
people were lords of creation and sat on a porch drinking mint juleps while Big
Sam and the slaves toiled in the fields. I was actually rather perplexing when
it finally occurred to me that people who throw that charge around might actually
believe they are serious.
It's probably just as well that I was in middle
school by the time I finally saw Gone
With The Wind. When I did, I thought the movie was good for its time, but
nothing to write home about. Though one scene in the movie did stand out the
most for me: the infamous scene where Vivien Leigh as Scarlett O'Hara walked
through the train station among the acres of wounded soldiers. That is what
defines that ugly war to me more than anything. The tragic and useless waste of
human life.
Yet by the time I was 14 - the age that Falkner
claimed every Southern boy wished he was at Gettysburg waiting to charge with
Pickett up the slopes of Cemetery Ridge - I was completely turned off of any
aspect of the War Between the States, or my Confederate ancestry. From the time
I was about 12 or so, I was taught by my teachers that those who fought for the
South were motivated solely as a group to keep slavery. That they were the bad
guys in the War. That forward thinking views can only be held by folks who
rejected honoring that past and embraced every aspect of
"progressive" idealism without question.
By the time I was at the age of 14, I was so disenchanted with my
Southern heritage, that I tried desperately to train myself to speak with a
different accent than my own beautiful Southern one. I would even get verbally
abusive with family who spoke with Southern drawls, something that shames me
even to this day.
Obviously that did not remain the case. By the same
time a year later I was putting flags on Confederate graves and coming to
appreciate my Confederate ancestry and history with new eyes.
What changed this for me was my own high school freshmen year's world
history teacher, who taught me among other things that people are not just
group mindsets. That they are individuals with various different personalities
and ways of looking at the world. That thinking of people as stereotypes takes
away their humanity and reduces them to an object rather than a thinking,
breathing person. I was fortunate that she also took the time to talk to me
one-on-one unlike most other teachers I knew, that she respected my opinions
and didn't try to force-feed me her own. For that I will always be grateful to her.
So while I took a renewed interest in the War -
thanks to a history project - I decided to read the personal letters and
accounts of soldiers. In them I found that for the most part the Confederate
soldier was fighting not for the Confederate government, or any specifically
defined political belief, and certainly not for slavery or rich plantation
owners. Rather he was fighting to protect his home and his land from what he
saw as an invasion. My respect for that soldier - for the soldiers on both sides
- an what they went through and faced in that terrible war grew from there and
ultimately led me to placing flags on Confederate and Union graves.
Now when I first read Intruder In The Dust as a young man of about 19 years old, my only
thought upon reading that same passage about Pickett's Charge was: Dude, are you out of your fricking mind?!
Being a student of the War Between The States and its many large battles, I was
fully aware of the logistics of the Battle of Gettysburg even then.
I was 22 when I visited the Gettysburg National Battlefield and stood
on the spot where close to 15,000 men and boys once stood under shellfire in
the woods before the mile-long stretch of open fields before the small grove of
trees on Cemetery Ridge. When I stood there, Falkner's words came back to me
and I tried to imagine myself there in that time, standing among those men, all
of whom were waiting to take that long march.
I could not say for certain what those fellows must have been thinking
on that summer afternoon, sweating in those wool uniforms in the ninety degree
heat. Unlike certain history professors and civil war bloggers, I do not claim
any ability to put myself into the brain of another human being who lived a
century and a half ago and make a calculated guess based on personal modern
ideologies what was going through said person's mind, or what motivated them.
Frankly, I find such a "talent" to be highly questionable.
No, I could only think what I myself would have been thinking that day,
which would probably have constituted reciting Psalm 93 to myself, praying
desperately to get out of that situation with my butt intact, and doing my best - and almost surely failing - not to vomit or piss my pants. I don't know for
certain if I would have run, or faked an injury just to bury my head in the
dirt and wait for an opportunity to get away as fast as I could; or if I would
have felt honor bound and compelled to stand with my unit and neighbors, keep
moving forward past screaming bullets and artillery shells, and fighting not
run even though every instinct towards self-preservation would be screaming at
me to do so. I honestly could not say for certain what I would do, and won't
bullshit y'all with some inflated illusions of my own sense of bravery.
I have never been in a war, and pray to God that I never have that
particular distinction. I never held any romantic ideas about war. Sure I
watched Star Wars as a kid, I played with toy guns and small toy soldiers as a
boy, but I also understood that dead is not like some video game where you can
push a button and Pacman has another life.
That is why I have the highest respect for those who fight in war and
the veterans who return from it. I do not see them as romantic characters in
some novel about chivalry and honor, I see them as simply men and boys, women
and (in a few cases) service animals - fathers, brothers, husbands, sons,
daughters, mothers, sisters, companions - all of whom have dreams, fears,
desires, passions, who loved, who cried, who felt anger and sorrow and who
laughed. I see them as individual lives who mattered to those they touched.
That is why their memories and how they are remembered as such interest me so.
Now for my final thoughts.
Mr. Dean is of course free to think whatever he wants about those who
still honor the dead of the South, and its symbols. What he - and others like
him - do not have the right to do is
label, to mock and marginalize, to dehumanize those who do not share their
specific point of view to the letter.
I am a Southern-born, white Christian and politically Conservative-Moderate
thinking male who takes pride in my Confederate ancestry. That does not mean
that I want to hold anyone back. Or that I oppose civil rights, equality for
minorities, women, or homosexuals. Or that I hate anyone, or oppose civil
liberties, or want to silence anyone who disagrees with me respectfully or
otherwise. It does not make me any less of an American, or that I want to secede from this country, or that I want to turn
back the clock on human progress, or that I care nothing about the future and working towards it.
Nor does not mean that people who don't think like me hold any sort of monopoly
on morality and tolerance. And it most certainly does not mean I should feel
the need to conform to suit the ideals of those who choose to label me for
failing to meet their own narrow mindsets. I don't need anyone's approval to be
who I am.
In short, that does not make me - or anyone else who thinks and feels as
I do - someone who isn't a "person
of good conscience".
And that's my two cents.
Have a Happy Ash Wednesday everyone.
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