Saturday, December 19, 2015

The Definition Of Irony

Definition of irony:
An anti-Confederate heritage reactionary holding up a sign that calls displaying the Dixie Cross flag as "racist nonsense" while standing next to a beautiful Southern lady of color who is proudly displaying a living symbol of Southern identity.

Nothing more ironic (and in my opinion: pathetic) than a so-called "anti-racist" championing a pro-white supremacist view of that flag which most Southern people of all colors and creeds firmly rejects. 

UPDATE!!!Recently in Columbia, SC on Sunday, December 20th, a violent Leftist anti-Confederate heritage reactionary provided another great example of the definition of irony in relation to Confederate heritage defenders and their opponents:

Bravo dipshit!

My thanks and profound appreciation to both Confederate heritage defender and civil rights activist Mr. H.K. Edgerton and the City of Columbia police department. 

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