Sunday, February 02, 2020

Visiting Repticon Columbia Reptile Show 2020

Greetings and Salutations herpetologists and reptile lovers alike!

Today is February 2, 2020 -- Groundhog Day in the United States and Canada. It also marks a very interesting, once-in-a-lifetime calendar event. Today's date, in MM/DD/YEAR form reads 02/02/2020, a numerical sequence called a palindrome, meaning it is the same when read forwards and backwards. To give y'all an example of exactly how rare such a calendar event is, the previous palindrome date came 909 years ago on November 11, 1111 A.D. (or 11/11/1111). The next palindrome will not come again for another 101 years on December 12, 2121 A.D. (or 12/12/2121). 

So how did your favorite blogger celebrate such a one-in-a-lifetime calendar event? Why by traveling with family to Columbia, South Carolina to visit the Repticon Columbia Reptile Show 2020, of course. 

Hosted this year by the Jamil Shriner Temple in Columbia, Repticon is an outstanding gathering of herpetologists and animal breeders that exhibit a wide range of animals -- mostly snakes and reptiles. These exhibits included many beautiful animals: turtles, cats, rabbits, hermit crabs & crustaceans, iguanas & river monitors, snakes, scorpions, spiders, and even a special section for venomous reptiles that you have to sign a waver to enter! 

I am a huge enthusiast when it comes to reptiles -- particularly turtles and lizards, so I thoroughly enjoyed the visit. 

The following are the photos I took of the event:

Well I hope y'all enjoyed my photos from the event. Everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and it was amazing to meet all of these outstanding creatures -- even the rattlesnake, who sorta shook her rattler at me, LOL!  

I hope all of y'all also had a wonderful 02-02-2020 as well. 

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