On the October 29th edition of the Charlotte Observer newspaper, Mr. Andy Dys -- also affectionately known as "shitstain" -- continues to create unneeded controversy over the display of the Dixie Cross banner by the SC
Division Sons of Confederate Veterans at their annual reunion in Rock
Hill next March .
Y'all might remember this particular regressive snowflake from my two previous posts HERE and HERE. Recently he was thwarted soundly in his efforts to gin up enough support to have the Dixie Cross removed from a local Civil War demonstration.
His newest act of disunity can be read HERE.
Once again I will take Mr. Dys' incoherent ramblings point-by-point and correct his wrongful assumptions, and out-in-out lies. My comments, as always, are in red.
NAACP denounces move by Rock Hill’s York Tech to host pro-Confederacy Confederate Veteran's group
Opposition is growing to an agreement by York Technical College to host a March 2017 convention for the Sons of Confederate Veterans, a group that celebrates the Confederacy and its symbols.
And already, you show what a hack you are, Mr. Dys. The condemnation of one radical socially regressive group that shared your pro-white supremacist view of the SCV and the Dixie Cross is hardly "growing opposition" especially since the link you provided shows that the NAACP joined your little one-man hate fest back on the 11th of this month. Can we say: old news?
incoming leader of the S.C. legislative black caucus, the Rock Hill
NAACP and others say they will meet Monday with York Tech President Greg
Rutherford to voice their displeasure. Yeah and I'm certain that will get y'all somewhere....NOT!
The Rock Hill and Western York County branches of the NAACP released a statement on the SCV event at York Tech late Thursday. We will get to that one at the end of this little rant.
the statement, the groups called it “an underestimation of the current
racial tensions in America,” A century-old well respected veteran's heritage group that does much for museums and civil war preservation meeting to present awards for services cleaning graves and locating lost veterans resting places is capable of that? Really? Boy, that kool-aid y'all drink must really be some strong stuff. adding that it “seems like a blatant
disregard for the historic decision” by South Carolina last year to
remove the Confederate flag from its Statehouse. a pro-white supremacist knee-jerk decision by the SC Legislature that served hated rather than any true sense of unity. You're welcome for the correct by the way.
Those opposed to
the flag, and to the Rock Hill campus hosting a convention by a group
that displays and promotes it, say they have been holding strategy
sessions. Meaning they have been gathering together to stroke their collective...."egos". They plan to voice their outrage to elected leaders, including
the Rock Hill City Council, York County Council and others. All of whom will likely tell them they are making much ado about nothing, or likely that their actions will cost the city a good bit of revenue from people planning to attend the convention.
So far, white elected leaders have said nothing. Reasonable and sensible on their part.
issue is not the Sons of Confederate Veterans’ First Amendment right to
free speech: Actually fignuts, it is. The issue that concerns NAACP leaders and others is the
Confederate flag, a public college and taxpayer money. And once again, Mr. Dys uses this moronic argument - one that this blogger has already refuted HERE.
Carolina took down the Confederate flag from its Statehouse grounds in
2015 after a white supremacist and Confederate flag supporter Confederate flag mis-appropriator in
Charleston was charged with nine murders of black people in a downtown
“History makes it all
too clear that the ‘Confederate flag’ was more widely embraced during
resistance to reconstruction and during its resurgence as a Ku Klux Klan
emblem than it did by fallen veterans of the Civil War,” said Dr.
Jacques Days, Rock Hill NAACP president.
Actually no, history does NOT make that all too clear. For starters the flag has been around since the first United Confederate Veterans Reunions in the late 1880s and present in thousands upon thousands of honorable display in veteran's parades and other events with NO RACIAL CONTEXT whatsoever. But of course, since the standard SJW regressive view of the flag fails to look at a complete history and simply cheery-picks - not to mention fails to recognize the honorable efforts of legitimate Confederate heritage groups to counter that misuse -- I can understand why Dr. Days wrongly views it the way he does.
The NAACP wants
“thoughtful deliberation, earnest discussion and willing reconciliation”
with York Tech and its decision to host a group that supports the
Confederate flag, Days said. Translation: They want the event shut down, driven away, and for York Tech to apologize for ever having the temerity to consider it without their say so in the first place. SO THERE!
The convention in March 2017 is
likely to draw protests, black leaders say, if York Tech does not
withdraw from its contract with the SCV. And now the mindless threats come. Rest assured that I and other members of the SC SCV are not going to be intimidated. The SCV states on its website
“One comes down, many go up” about the Confederate flag. That they do, and mean to continue so long as that wrong-thinking view is advanced by the PC Establishment.
Confederate flag is the SCV emblem and its leaders have refused to say
the Civil War was about slavery, claiming their group is about heritage. Again not true about the slavery part. And yes it is about honoring Confederate heritage, something I think Mr. Dys has proven to have a very warped view of.
Tech has at least a quarter black students among its 5,000-plus
enrollment on campuses in York, Chester and Lancaster counties. And what does that really have to do with anything? I am certain a number of those same students will want to check out the event for themselves, to learn one historical perspective rationally....but wait, maybe that is the REAL problem, huh Mr. Dys?
Rep. John King, D-Rock Hill, the incoming black caucus chairman in the
General Assembly and the only black member of the York County
legislative delegation, said he will attend the meeting Monday with
The meeting may include many black leaders from the clergy, NAACP, elected officials, business leaders and more.
at how far we have come forward in this state,” King said. Progress is a subjective term, sir. What one calls "progress" others call "oppression" as is all too often the case in the annuals of human history. “To have
this flies in the face of the people who worked to have the flag (wrongly) taken
down. Rock Hill has a slogan ‘No Room for Racism.’ This goes against
those very words.” In your very questionable opinion perhaps, sir.
York County Councilman William “Bump” Roddey,
the only black member of the County Council and a York Tech alum, said
Rock Hill has advanced far in race relations with law enforcement and
other ways.
But he said the county will be permanently scarred with a “stigma” of this convention that supports the Confederate Flag.
LMFAO! The whole county will be "permanently scarred" from a two-day meeting of a historical preservation organization that does charity work and preserves graves? REALLY?! That would cause a "stigma" in your mind, Bumpy? (Please excuse me while I go to the restroom. I am liable to pee myself at this point folks!)
“It is a stain on all that hard work,” Roddey said.
Speaking of "stains" I was a bit late....gee thanks a lot, Bumpy. LOL!
Bucky Sutton, commander of the Micah Jenkins Camp of Sons of Confederate Veterans, declined to comment. There is no point in commenting on this farce anyhow. I am only doing so because I'm getting a kick out of it.
Tech President Rutherford has not made any statements on the college’s
contract with the SCV since he found out about it from The Herald last
month. Efforts to reach Rutherford for comment about Monday’s meeting
were unsuccessful. Harrassment. Intimidation. Yep, Dys and the NAACP are following the standard SJW playbook step by step.
York Tech leaders were caught unaware of the
SCV contract, as bookers at the campus Baxter Hood Center contracted the
event without the telling senior leadership, who found out about the
convention from the race-baiting hater, Mr. Dys. The Herald.
And why would that be a problem? Hosting the Sons of Confederate Veterans is no different than say hosting a VFW or Shriner's convention. Most civic groups recognize the SCV as no different, only radical SJW twits intent on creating unneeded problems think otherwise.
There you have it folks. Another mindless SJW propaganda piece dissected and laid bare by yours truly: The Man Deniers Fear Most.
Now I must go, Halloween is coming up soon -- my favorite holiday -- and I have much to prepare for before the Great Pumpkin arrives. Not the least of which is finding the most sincere pumpkin patch I can find and....um, well, anyhow y'all have a wonderful Dixie Day!
Now I must go, Halloween is coming up soon -- my favorite holiday -- and I have much to prepare for before the Great Pumpkin arrives. Not the least of which is finding the most sincere pumpkin patch I can find and....um, well, anyhow y'all have a wonderful Dixie Day!
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