Monday, February 15, 2021

25 More Of My Favorite Zootopia Memes -- Nick & Judy Rock!

Greetings & Salutations, Y'all!

As I already mentioned in a previous blog post, the 2017 Disney animated film Zootopia is currently at the top of my favorite Disney animated films to date. Its beautiful animation, incredible soundtrack, and outstandingly well-developed characters make it a favorite for fans of anthropomorphic animals.

Apparently many of the fans and visitors to my humble blog, Southern Fried Common Sense & Stuff, share my love for the two main characters of this amazing animated movie: Judy Hopps and Nick Wilde -- especially you shippers out there!

My previous blog post showing my top 20 favorite memes related to these two characters has become one of the top five most view articles on this blog in the last year or so since it was posted -- rated 17th out of the top 20 all time most viewed blog posts. Amazing!

Nick and Judy are just wonderfully developed characters with distinct and likable personalities. They continue to be the subject of some really outstanding memes by Zootopia fans and the furry fandom community.

I've managed to collect even more of these memes and posts across the internet since then and found myself wanting to share another 25 of my favorite Nick & Judy/Zootopia memes. So without further ramblings from me, here they are:


Down girl, he's more into you now!


That's me making this blog post....I'm actually serious.


Because fur and PP&J do not mix well together.


Go for the throat, Nick!


Uh huh, yep!

I can just see her head bobbing right now.


Yep, pretty much! But its worth it!

And Flash holds that pose for days.

Maybe, but that Buckaroo Banzai tie
on the other hand....

Actually I look more like the Grinch getting the
wonderful, awful idea.

I always feel like I'm escaping from prison.


Nick, you sly fox you!

And Gazelle's song plays in your head all day long.


Always dude, always! And make mine cherry.


I think Flash is still telling Priscilla that
three-humped camel joke by the way.

That's totally me drinking Cherry Dr. Pepper!


Welcome to the cult folks!

Damn right, Judy!

Worse, when they greet you by name but you have no
idea who they are and you know you have to try
and fake your way through the inevitable conversation.

Its not a date, its called a hustle sweetheart.

With opposable thumbs no less!


Nick is a smooth criminal.

Judy: Nick, you can't keep saying that to the suspects!

My dream combination!

What better way to end this post.

So, did y'all like my selection of memes? Please let me know what y'all think in the comments below. 

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