The Young Moon made her appearance in the western sky about 30 minutes after sunset on Thursday the 18th and Friday the 19th of January. The Young Moon refers to the phase of the moon following the New Moon when Luna is positioned more or less between the Earth and the sun during her monthly
orbit. New Moon is of course when Luna officially
transitions from the morning sky over to the evening sky from our perspective.
Over the course of two days I captured some pretty good shots of the Young Moon, including one really awesome shot of a plane's running lights flying in front of the Young Moon's path. You can see the difference between the thumbnail of Luna in Earth's shadow from the evening before to the next evening as the moon moves towards the next quarterly phase. In the third and forth photos taken on the 19th, you can also see some of the larger craters in the close-up shots, including Tycho near the bottom right.
Well folks, let me know if you liked these photos in the comment section and be sure to check back later this month for more planetary photography. Till then, keep your eyes to the skies, y'all!
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