Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Florence Regressive Wants Confederate Memorial Day Ended In SC....Get's Schooled By Yours Truly

Well folks, looks like its time once again to play that favorite game of mine: Responding To Regressives. 

Today's extra special snowflakes comes from Florence, South Carolina. Another Southern-born anti-Confederate heritage regressive who demands that the State of South Carolina stop celebration Confederate Memorial Day on May 10th. The original letter from The State (Columbia, SC) newspaper can be seen HERE

Normally I would never bother with Letters To The Editor posts, because unlike regressive columnists, local snowflakes who vent their frustrations that everyone isn't as guild-ridden and virtue signaling as they are don't usually merit more than pity from me. 

What makes this one special is that, despite her claims about Confederate Memorial Day and failed attempt to include the now rebuked myth that Lee opposed memorializing Confederate soldiers, this person actually brought up a positive point about honor former slaves. 

While I will praise her for the second part, I am going to respond to her claims and falsehoods about Confederate Memorial Day. As always my responses are in Confederate Red

Y'all enjoy now!

It’s time for SC to stop celebrating this holiday
It's time for SC (and the rest of the USA) to stop indulging regressive snowflakes

Kimberly Turner (and rebuttal by C.W. Roden: The Man Deniers Fear The Most)
As I was driving through my hometown in May, That would be Florence, SC folks. something pulled my attention away from an otherwise gorgeous day. Insert the usual opening trope here: "I was driving/hiking/walking along and then sees something (flags, monument, guy in Confederate uniform, ect.) that stops them dead/angered me." There, waving over Main Street, was a banner announcing a Confederate Memorial Day tribute to be hosted by the area chapter of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. It's actually an annual tribute, just so you know.
That day, despite my outrage, I kept driving. Probably for the best for everyone involved.
Later, I discovered South Carolina is one of six states that observe Confederate Memorial Day. If you have been a live-long resident of SC and socially awake in any significant way, the you would have already known that. The practice was established around 1866 to honor the lives of fallen soldiers because, at the time, no other such day existed. Since then, though, Memorial Day has become a national holiday. So why does South Carolina continue to celebrate Confederate Memorial Day? For the answer to that question please visit my past blog post on the subject HERE.
The answer is simple: to honor the Confederacy. Uh, you just wrote it was to honor the fallen Confederate dead in your last paragraph (and you would have been right if you have left it at that)....please try to be consistent here.
So I ask the Legislature to end Confederate Memorial Day. You can ask....though I think you getting hit by a meteor is more likely to happen.
I know there will be opposition to this. Gee, you think? I imagine even now some are arguing that ending the Confederate Memorial holiday would erase portions of South Carolina’s history. I would argue that ending it would be a violation of SC State Law, but oh well. I can hear the chorus of “heritage, not hate” already.  Like this:

To this I say: If we were truly sincere about preserving South Carolina’s history, we would honor the International Day of Remembrance of the Victims of Slavery and the Transatlantic Slave Trade. Thousands of slaves died coming to South Carolina and even more died at the hands of slave owners.
Yet we devote no day to remembering slaves. 
Well miracle of miracles, you actually said something intelligent. And it only took you four paragraphs. We actually SHOULD have a day honoring that in SC, possibly a day during Black History Month. I for one have no objection to it, I would even help promote it.  
Why is that, I wonder? Why don’t we memorialize the lives of slaves? You mean like with that big beautiful monument honoring African-American history on the SC Statehouse grounds? You know the monument you probably didn't know existed anymore than the holiday you are bitching about. How many slaves have we forgotten over the course of 150 years? None. Indeed some Confederate Heritage supporters have done more to honor and remember the memory of those people and who they were than most regressive snowflakes can virtue signal over.

Why should 28 percent of S.C. citizens be subjected to a government-sanctioned day that only highlights the fact that the state they call home has willfully sanitized its history? Okay where do you get the 28 percent here? Citation needed. As equal citizens under the law — as our fellow man — do they not deserve more? Incidentally, click HERE to see one of the men honored by Confederate Memorial Day in South Carolina. Oh and HERE.
Perhaps instead of memorializing the Confederacy, South Carolina should heed the words of Gen. Robert E. Lee, that most famous Confederate: “I think it wiser … not to keep open the sores of war but to follow the examples of those nations who endeavored to obliterate the marks of civil strife, to commit to oblivion the feelings engendered.” You're a bit late to the party on this,  but the myth that Lee opposed memorializing the Confederate dead was already debunked HERE.
We must stop passing by civil strife when we see it lain bare.
Today, I beg South Carolina to stop passing by. 
Oh yeah, Kimmy-cup, looks at allllllll this "strife" you go on about:

Well folks, I don't think I need to offer anything further, except to wish all of y'all a wonderful Dixie Day, and y'all come back now, ya hear?

Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article169798837.html#storylink=c

Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article169798837.html#storyli

Read more here: http://www.thestate.com/opinion/letters-to-the-editor/article169798837.html#storylink=cpy

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